Impact of the Landscape and Design of Dormitory Environments on Student Satisfaction (Case Study: Girl student residences of the Hakim Sabzevari Sabzevar University)

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Professor, Dpartment of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Dpartmet of Statistics Group, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran

3 PhD Student of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran


Today's industrial and technological development has led human beings further away from nature. However, man has always been influenced by nature, and human nature has naturalistic tendencies. Many studies indicate a direct correlation between the levels of enjoyment of natural scenery and people’s happiness. Various studies mention the benefits of natural landscapes as a therapy for daily stress, anxiety and depression. A student residence is often among the first environments a student experiences away from home. He/she will be required to spend a lot of time at this location and, therefore, its design and location are extrememly important for student wellbeing. A more attractive environment will increase comfort and, thus, learning productivity.The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the landscape and design of residential environments on student satisfaction. To this end, the female student residences of the Hakim Sabzevari Sabzevar University were used as a case study. The methods used in this study are from the library and in the field. Using stratified sampling and random distribution, 663 questionnaires with three residential types, including a linear scheme, a central courtyard scheme and a flat scheme, each of which has a different view of nature and green space, were completed. The hypothesis of this study is that the environmental design and suitable landscaping of student residences can have a great effect on the wellbeing and comfort of students who live there, and lead to an increase in their sense of security and their feeling of “belonging”. The results indicate that the majority of students prefer to see natural environments, untapped visions and perspectives, natural horizons, sunrises and sunsets, and green spaces around the residences. Therefore, it is suggested that natural landscape architecture should be an important principle in the design of student residential areas.
