Possible Impacts of the Alamut Dam Construction on the Fish Fauna of Alamutand Taleghan Streams (Sefid-Rud River Basin)

Document Type : Original Articles


1 epartment of Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Gorgan

2 Department of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management, Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University

3 epartment of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Hormozgan University


A study was conducted to determine probable impacts of construction of Alamut Dam on the status of the fish community of the Alamut and Taleghan Streams in autumn 2000. The fish species found were: Alburnoides bipunctatus, Barbus capito, B.lacerta, B.mursa, Capoeta capoeta, Leuciscus cephalus, Salmo trutta, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Nemachilus bergianus.B.capito and B.mursa are both highly prized taxa in terms of their population status and for sport fishing; the latter needs full habitat protection to survive.Salmo trutta will face little impact from the Alamut Dam construction since its habitat is mainly confined to a stretch of river well upstream of the construction site. It should be kept in mind, however, that the Manjil (Sefid Rud) Dam has some affect on the operation of the Alamut Dam, both being constructed on the same water body. Therefore, any interpretation of the possible impact of the Alamut Dam on hydrobiology of the area must be focused on the entire water basin ecology.
