Monitoring of Heavy Metals in the Ambient Air of Tehran

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran

2 Professor, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran.

3 MSc Student, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran


Heavy metals such as: arsenic, iron, zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium, copper, manganese and nickel exist in Tehran’s air which is inhaled by inhabitants and causes serious problems for human body. Tehran is a metropolis that faces several environmental problems. Among Streets, roads and highways of Tehran,Enqelab Street is one of the busiest and connects Enqelab square to Imam Hossein Square. In this paper, the results of measuring heavy metals including arsenic, iron, zinc, lead, cadmium,chromium,copper, manganes and nickel in Enqelab Street’s air are presented in the form of charts and GIS maps. The study was performed in Bahman1 1391 and Khordad2 1392 along the mentioned area. The outcome of these studies indicates that concentration of all hevey metals except arsenic&chrmium are in allowed levels of WHOguidelines and despite recording few different the air pollution levels in the whole area, from Enqelab square to Imam Hossein Square,are equal; however,the air pollution level of Valiasr crossroads is relatively considerable.


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