Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: Urban planning for women can be seen as a kind of advocacy-based planning that recalls forgotten rights and the silence of women in the city. Urban space planning for women draws its original idea from feminist ideas. The theory of sustainable urban development focuses on the prevention of urban and regional environmental pollution, reducing local, regional and national production capacity, supporting recycling, failing to support harmful development, and bridging the gap between rich and poor. Sustainable urban development is a multifaceted phenomenon that considers environmental conservation, social justice and economic dynamism with optimal resource utilization. Urban and regional planning with a special futuristic perspective needs to be developed for the future of the city and analyzed using statistics and information. By using the facilities and reducing limitations through presenting a precise and comprehensive plan, that takes account of environmental considerations, can provide for sustainable urban development. Considering the importance of women's well-being and women's vulnerability, the issue of urban security with a gender approach has been investigated in this research. In this regard, the present study aims to evaluate urban planning with the approach of women to formulate a sustainable development pattern in Tehran. Materials and methods: The method of this research is descriptive-survey and, according to the research method, all women in Tehran have been considered in this study. The estimated size of the community is about one hundred thousand people. Using randomized systematic cluster sampling, 384 women in Tehran were selected as a statistical sample. After collecting data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used to analyze the statistical data using SPSS software. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the normal distribution of the main variables. Results and discussion: The results indicate that, women do not have much to gain in planning for sustainable development and they are not included in the socio-economic approach, planning approach, or participation planning and security approach to sustainable development in Tehran. Also, the results of the research showed that urban security is important for sustainable development, but women have a minimal role in this regard. Today, the world faces the fact that women can no longer be considered as hidden in the development process. Conclusion: The role and capacities of women in the success of developing countries will lead to state-level policymakers to make women inferior to the fence. It is also one of the most effective areas for promoting gender equality empowering women by educating them about imbalance and equality in power, and empowering women to manage their lives.
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Sasan Vadiea; Zahra Hazrati Somee; Zahra Azizabadifarahani. "Sociological study of the role and position of women in the sustainable development of Tehran's metropolis", Environmental Sciences, 15, 4, 2017, 65-78.
Vadiea, S., Hazrati Somee, Z., Azizabadifarahani, Z. (2017). 'Sociological study of the role and position of women in the sustainable development of Tehran's metropolis', Environmental Sciences, 15(4), pp. 65-78.
S. Vadiea , Z. Hazrati Somee and Z. Azizabadifarahani, "Sociological study of the role and position of women in the sustainable development of Tehran's metropolis," Environmental Sciences, 15 4 (2017): 65-78,
Vadiea, S., Hazrati Somee, Z., Azizabadifarahani, Z. Sociological study of the role and position of women in the sustainable development of Tehran's metropolis. Environmental Sciences, 2017; 15(4): 65-78.