Department of Economics, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, University of Alzahra, Tehran, Iran
, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies,University of Alzahra, Tehran, Iran
It is a long time that human being have paid attention to the importance of environmental issues, nevertheless, the environmental threats are part of a development process that may not be denied. Inattention to the effective criteria of sustainable development can cause irreversible costs for various societies. Based upon the role of education in the prevention of environmental degradation, the purpose of this research is to study the effect of education in production and emission of greenhouse gas of carbon dioxide during the period of 1992 to 2012. For hypotheses testing of the research, the Dynamic Panel Data (DPD) through the Generalized Moments Method (GMM) has been used for 12 selected countries including Iran in Middle East and North African Countries (MENA region. The findings of this study indicate, the positive and significant impact of the education variable on the improvement of environmental quality and reduction of air pollution. Besides, the results show that there is a direct relation between the political agencies and the lessening of population growth to the decline of air pollution. With the raise of the average schooling in total population, the growth of air pollution is declined. As a consequence, increasing investment in education and the average schooling can lead to lessen CO2 emission in selected MENA countries including Iran.
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