Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
The fundamental problem in cities and urban areas is declining quality of their inefficiency. Before industrialization and urban growth, urban planning principles were based on traditional values, and the identity of the residential texture of the city. As with the lack of balance between the economic, social and environmental variables, cultural and sociao - structural break in the typical urban neighborhoods were created, which leads to inefficiency and reducing satisfaction in utilities for residents. This article aims to compare factors affecting the residential desirability in spontaneous growing town and new town and a comparative analysis on the residential desirability in these towns. The methodology is based on structural equation modeling and combination of the two approaches, factor analysis and path analysis. The results of T-test show a significant difference in two city's residential desirability and superiority of Hashtgerd in this case. Standardized coefficients analytical model shows the most desirable residential influence of social factors in comparison with the physical component in these towns. The importance of the physical components in a new town with 60% the relation is more than the old town with the 50% associated. The history of settlement in the city had a direct correlation to the amount of residential satisfaction
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Rafieian, M. , & Taghvaei, A. A. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Residential Desirability in Spontaneous Growing Towns and New Towns (Case Study: Hashtgerd New and Old Town). Environmental Sciences, 13(4), 17-26.
Mojtaba Rafieian; Ali Akbar Taghvaei. "A Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Residential Desirability in Spontaneous Growing Towns and New Towns (Case Study: Hashtgerd New and Old Town)", Environmental Sciences, 13, 4, 2015, 17-26.
Rafieian, M., Taghvaei, A. A. (2015). 'A Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Residential Desirability in Spontaneous Growing Towns and New Towns (Case Study: Hashtgerd New and Old Town)', Environmental Sciences, 13(4), pp. 17-26.
M. Rafieian and A. A. Taghvaei, "A Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Residential Desirability in Spontaneous Growing Towns and New Towns (Case Study: Hashtgerd New and Old Town)," Environmental Sciences, 13 4 (2015): 17-26,
Rafieian, M., Taghvaei, A. A. A Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Residential Desirability in Spontaneous Growing Towns and New Towns (Case Study: Hashtgerd New and Old Town). Environmental Sciences, 2015; 13(4): 17-26.