Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran
Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran
Urmia Lake is the second largest salt lake in the World. This Lake's ecosystem for socio - economic reasons and ecological criteria plays an important role in the North West of Iran. In recent decades, unsustainable regional development and climate change has provided the emergence and spread of environmental crisis in Urmia Lake .This research uses the capacity of integrated environmental planning approach as a holistic and interconnected approach for planning and management of environmental system of Lake Urmia with a strategic and goal oriented process in order to improve the environmental conditions of the lake basin. Methods in this research are based on documentary and field studies with the study of literature in relation to the environmental planning and sustainable development and documentation related to the Urmia Lake and interviews with local and national experts. In this regard, environmental changes and Lake's Ecosystem interactions have been studied and with using of planning and environmental experts and based on the results of the Delphi method and Analytical Hierarchy Process, decision-makers policy has priority to improve the conditions of the Lake's ecosystem. Under these policies , the decision-makers in this basin as the most influential part, should try to gain fully understanding of interactions and impact of human activities on the ecosystem of the lake and to raise awareness of effective and priority groups and to confront seriously with this crisis
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Sharifzadegan, M. H. , and Abbasi Bakhshkandi, R. . "Integrated Regional Environmental Planning, Urmia Lake basin as the Case-Study", Environmental Sciences, 13, 2, 2015, 89-102.
Sharifzadegan, M. H., Abbasi Bakhshkandi, R. (2015). 'Integrated Regional Environmental Planning, Urmia Lake basin as the Case-Study', Environmental Sciences, 13(2), pp. 89-102.
M. H. Sharifzadegan and R. Abbasi Bakhshkandi, "Integrated Regional Environmental Planning, Urmia Lake basin as the Case-Study," Environmental Sciences, 13 2 (2015): 89-102,
Sharifzadegan, M. H., Abbasi Bakhshkandi, R. Integrated Regional Environmental Planning, Urmia Lake basin as the Case-Study. Environmental Sciences, 2015; 13(2): 89-102.