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Rassam, G. , , Khoshnood Yazdi, A. , , Ghorbanzadeh, M. , and Dadkhah, A. . "Evaluation the Impact of Climate and Land Use on Soil Macrofauna Biodiversity", Environmental Sciences, 12, 1, 2014, -.
Rassam, G., Khoshnood Yazdi, A., Ghorbanzadeh, M., Dadkhah, A. (2014). 'Evaluation the Impact of Climate and Land Use on Soil Macrofauna Biodiversity', Environmental Sciences, 12(1), pp. -.
G. Rassam , A. Khoshnood Yazdi , M. Ghorbanzadeh and A. Dadkhah, "Evaluation the Impact of Climate and Land Use on Soil Macrofauna Biodiversity," Environmental Sciences, 12 1 (2014): -,
Rassam, G., Khoshnood Yazdi, A., Ghorbanzadeh, M., Dadkhah, A. Evaluation the Impact of Climate and Land Use on Soil Macrofauna Biodiversity. Environmental Sciences, 2014; 12(1): -.