Author = Mohammad Faraji
Investigating the Distribution of Clodinafop-Propargyl Resistant Wild Oat (Avena ludoviciana) Populations in South Western Iran

Volume 4, Issue 3, April 2007

Eskandar Zand; Fatemeh Bena Kashani; Mohammad Ali Baghestani; Azar Maknali; Mehdi Minbashi; Saeid Soufizadeh; Reza Deihimfard

A survey on People Awareness Regarding Nitrate Pollution of Drinking Water in Arak City

Volume 4, Issue 2, January 2007

Mohammad Saeid Moghaddasi; Syed Mohammad Reza Alavi Moghaddam; Reza Maknon; Abdol Reza Moghaddasi

The Effects of Trout From Effluents on the Water Quality Parameters of Haraz River

Volume 4, Issue 2, January 2007

Mehdi Naderi Jelodar; Abbas Esmaeili Sari; Mohammad Reza Ahmadi; Seyed Jafar Seifabadi; Asghar Abdoli

Heavy Metals in the Soils of the Islam Shahr Urban Area, South of Tehran

Volume 4, Issue 2, January 2007

Mohammad Zaydi; Narges Bahzad

Application of Lincar Distinction Analysis for Wheat Discrimination from Other Crops on Satellite Images

Volume 4, Issue 2, January 2007

Moteza Ashorlo; Abbas Alimohammadi; Parviz Ziaeian; Davoud Ashorlo

Noise Standards for Passenger Cars in Iran

Volume 4, Issue 13, October 2006

Saeed Motesaddi; Hamed Hadad Khodaparast; Mahdieh Boobehrezh

The Effect of Mixed Plants Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) on the Phytoremediation of Light Crude Oil in Soil

Volume 4, Issue 13, October 2006

Malek Hossein Shahriari; Gholamreza Savaghebi- Firrozabadi; Dariush Minai-Tehrani; Mona Padidaran

A Study of the Fungal Flora ( Erysiphales , Ustilaginales, Uredinales) of the Jajroud Protected Area

Volume 4, Issue 13, October 2006

Somaye Kachooeian Javadi; Mehrdad Abbasi; Hossein Riahi; Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi

The Effects of Gas Oil on Germination and Seedling Development of Some Crop Species

Volume 4, Issue 13, October 2006

Yahedeh Chaghari; Fatemeh Aghayari; Gholamhossein Ebrahimpour; Hossen Shaker-Bazarnov; Francoise Bernard

Conservation of Stream Corridors as an Urban Infrastructure Case Study: Evin-Darakeh Stream Corridor

Volume 3, Issue 12, July 2006

Abbad Shoaybi; Negin Shabani; Payam Helmi Oskuie

The Role of Urban Parks in a Metropolitan City

Volume 3, Issue 12, July 2006

Mohsen Faizi

A Non-destructive Excavation in Parse-Pasargad Archaeological Region

Volume 3, Issue 12, July 2006

Behnaz Aminzadeh; Firoozeh Samani; Behrang Bahrami

Rebuilding a Sustainable Image in a Cultural Landscape

Volume 3, Issue 12, July 2006

Reza Cyrus Sabri; Patrick Miller; Rene Dierkx

Ecological Meaning in Landscape

Volume 3, Issue 12, July 2006

Reza Cyrus Sabri