Author = Naghmeh Mobarghaee Dinan
Assessing the effectiveness of air pollution control programs in Tehran using air quality trend analysis

Volume 17, Issue 1, April 2019, Pages 239-252


Zohreh Khorasanian; Naghmeh Mobarghaee Dinan; Saeed Soufizadeh; Reihaneh Rasoolzadeh

Risk Assessment and Management affect human in control room Desalting unit& Compression Station Maroon with the Human Hazop Method

Volume 13, Issue 4, January 2016, Pages 125-136

Katayoon Varshosaz; Janet Zangheneh; Naghmeh Mobarghaee

The Effect of Gross Domestic Product andEnergy Consumption on Water Pollution in Iran

Volume 11, Issue 4, January 2014

Houman Liaghati; Halimeh Jahangard; Naghmeh Mobarghei Dinan